Snake Plant Brown Tips: Causes and Solutions Complete Guide

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Written By James Porter

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Snake Plant Brown Tips Causes and Solutions Complete Guide

How to Fix Brown Tips on Snake Plant?

Dealing with Brown is fun! Have you got any Problems with your snake plant? We’ll cover you! Here are some simple ways to handle any concerns.

Why are my snake plant tips browning? Perhaps they’re trying to rock a fashionable new appearance, but it’s not working.

Maybe they’re showing off their edge. Who knows? I just know that my snake plant’s brown tips are intriguing. Does your snake plant have brown tips? You’re not alone. A few basic measures can fix this easy issue of Snake Plant Brown Tips:

  1. Monitor your watering regimen to avoid underwatering or overwatering. Your snake plant needs a weekly drink, but let the soil dry up before watering again.
  2. Place your plant somewhere cool to avoid sunburn. Snake plants thrive when they can get some sun without direct exposure.
  3. Choose filtered or distilled water to reduce chlorination.
  4. Keep your plant cool! Maintain a cool 70–90°F atmosphere. To maintain your plant happy and healthy, feed it balanced fertilizer monthly during the growing season.

What Does an Overwatered Snake Look Like?

Do you know the indicators that could easily indicate a snake has had too much water?

Snake plant leaf tips turn dark and mushy when overwatered. You will dislike this plant’s appearance! It will have:-

  • Slumping or falling leaves.
  • Weak, soft roots.
  • Mold or mildew may be on the soil.

Snake Plant Brown Tips and How to Fix Them:


Too much heat or direct sunshine can scorch snake plants and turn their tips brown. Try to keep them away from the summer sun and your fire-starting magnifying lens. A friendly tip! Keep the room temperature below 80 degrees Fahrenheit and give your plant plenty of filtered light. Your plant will appreciate it!

Water with Extra Chlorine Splash:

Did you know that tap water with too much chlorine will give your plant’s leaves a bad brown tip? A plant fashion faux pas! Why not relax your tap water before use? Let it sit for 24 hours or filter or distill it.


The water needs a holiday too! All-over watering If you don’t water your plants often, their tips may discolor. Don’t drown your snake plant—give it a drink occasionally.

Let the soil rest before watering again. Feeling hot Snake plants require temperature consistency! Just can’t get enough. They feel like they are their own spa. If you want your snake plant to be happy as a clam (or snake?), maintain those temperatures. No surprises or quick shifts. Smooth sailing for your slithery green companion. You may wish to move your plant if temps drop below 70 degrees Fahrenheit.

Lacking essential nutrients:

Your plants may get brown tips if you don’t feed them enough. To keep your snake plant healthy, feed it wacky fertilizer during the growing season.

Why Is My Snake Plant’s Leaves Turning Brown?

Did they forget sunscreen? Watch out for snake plant leaves! Too much sun or heat may brown them. Give them shade, you know? Following are the reasons for your plant leaves turning brown:

  • Extremely chlorinated or harsh water.
  • Uneven or improper watering can produce interesting outcomes.
  • Desert-dry air.
  • temperature variations.
  • Lacking essential nutrients.

How Did Your Snake Plant Get Brown Tips on Its Leaves?

What happened to your snake plant? The leaves appear to have elegant brown tips.  It may be time to water more! Like us, plants require water. Don’t abandon them! Watch out for thirsty snake plants!

  • Without enough water, their tips may turn brown and crunchy. Yikes! Keep your plants hydrated, but let the soil dry out between watering.
  • They enjoy drama! Never underestimate sunburns! Too much sun can give you a crispy tan and scorch your tips. Find a spot for your plant to enjoy the light without getting burned.
  • Consider feeding your plants filtered water to keep them green and lush. I promise they’ll appreciate it! Try filtered or distilled water instead.
  • Snake plants enjoy routine and comfort! Poor plant tips might get crispy as the mercury lowers.
  • Without proper nutrition, your plants may get brown tips. Basically, “Hey, I need some more vitamins over here!” Give them good foods to keep those tips green. Fertilize your plants throughout the growing season! Oh no! It appears your snake plant leaves are struggling. They’re turning dark and soft, not the desired look. Give them additional care and figure out what’s wrong.

Snake Plant Leaves Turning Brown and Soft:

Little snake plant, persevere!  Snake plant leaves turning dark and mushy usually indicate overwatering. Maybe those roots are having a bad time. Either way, reduce H2O.

Check soil moisture:

Remember to check soil moisture! Wait until the earth is bone dry before watering again.

Improve Drainage:

Use soil that drains well and a pot with drainage holes.

Change your watering routine:

Reduce watering frequency and only water when the soil is dry.

Follow these tips to keep your snake plant looking good and avoid brown tips and droopy foliage. I hope you enjoy gardening.

Snake Plant Brown Tips 5+ (Causes And Solutions)

Snake plants, sometimes known as mother-in-law’s tongue, are popular since they’re easy to care for. Indeed, even hardy plants can turn crispy at the edges. Knowing what triggers your snake plant and using the proper measures helps keep it healthy.

1. The Offender: Overwatering:


Do you know that snake plants are succulents? They’re like desert-dwelling houseplant superheroes, requiring far less water than leafier plants. Root rot from overwatering causes brown tips.


After the top 2-3 inches of soil dry out, water your snake plant. As refreshing as a drink for your green pal! Make sure your pot drains well to avoid waterlogging!

2. Water shortage:


Snake plants may survive dry environments but need water. Long periods without water can render tips crunchy and desert-brown.


Let’s settle into watering regularly. Let your plants drink, but don’t drown them! Let the dirt chuckle and dry out before drinking again.

3. Plants love ideal humidity:


Like their own spa. If you want your snake plant to thrive, keep the humidity moderate. They dislike dry air. Dry air, especially in winter, can brown the tips.


Play with your plant by making a little oasis! Keep it on a tray with water and pebbles or spray it occasionally. Your plant will appreciate the spa treatment!

4. Too Much Fertilization:


Excess fertilizer can cause salt accumulation in the soil, which is bad for snake plants. This can damage roots and render tips brown.


Fertilize your snake plant minimally to avoid this. A balanced and diluted houseplant fertilizer should be applied once in spring and summer.

5. Temperature Extremes:


Snake plants are temperature-sensitive. They can’t withstand intense heat or cold, and they may develop brown tips.


Get your plant a nice area with a perfect temperature. Keep it away from drafts, heaters, and air conditioners.

Conclusion: Snake Plant Brown Tips:

These great tips can help your snake plant thrive and look great in your garden. Perhaps your snake plant has adopted the brown-tip look. Maybe it’s trying to establish a plant trend! Several conditions can cause snake plant tips to become brown. See what’s wrong and get your plant back to green and wonderful!

Moreover, don’t forget to visit our website Gardening Wisdom Hub for more detailed content and articles. Here are some of the best detailed articles, you can visit:

  • Why Are My Rubber Tree Leaves Curling
  • Snake Plant Problems
  • How often to water the Snake Plant
  • Snake Plant Turning Yellow
  • How Much Light Does a Snake Plant Need?
  • Overwatered Snake Plant
  • Signs of Underwatered Snake Plant
  • Benefits of Snake Plants
  • Ways to Stop Snake Plant Leaves Curling
  • Ultimate Guide to Growth of Snake Plants

Frequently Asked Questions about Snake Plant Brown Tips:

1. Why are my snake plant borders browning?

Are they trying to rock the latest fashion trend? Your snake plant looks crispy around the edges. Could be a shortage of water, too much sun, or lacking nutrients. Time for some care! Water your plants regularly, give them some sunshine (but not too much), and feed them on a regular schedule.

2. Should I trim the snake plant’s brown tips?

Absolutely! To keep your plant looking good, cut those brown tips.

3. Why is my snake plant dying and becoming brown?

It’s like a horror movie audition! Is your plant having water issues? Maybe it’s over- or under-hydrated. Keep your plants well-watered and monitor sunshine and nutrient deficits. They’ll appreciate it!

4. How do we deal with snake plant brown tips?

Do you want to avoid brown tips? Adjust your watering regimen, use filtered water, offer them indirect sunshine, keep the temperature right, and feed them a balanced fertilizer.

James Porter
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Welcome to our haven of gardening and plant care, where outdoor and indoor planting enthusiasts come together! At Gardening Wisdom Hub, we aim to provide you with the most authentic information on anything related to gardening, plant care, seasonal planting etc.

The author of our website is James Porter, an experienced industry veteran. He has a deep interest in everything green. James’s enthusiasm for exploring plants’ features and learning new gardening methods began at a young age. Gradually, his passion increased with time, leading him to become a highly esteemed professional. His extensive knowledge makes him a priceless resource for inexperienced and seasoned gardeners.

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